Starting tomorrow, the American Public Health Association (APHA) is once again sponsoring the Billion Steps Challenge. The goal is to get more Americans walking and moving and engaging in physical activity. You can join my team, HHWWalkers, on Move Spring. Move Spring is a free app that you can download on your phone to track your steps. I will be using Move Spring as well as my smart watch to track my steps every day. The goal for the first week is to walk 1,000 steps a day. If you want to know how much that is, it is approximately half a mile. I find that I can easily walk 1,000 steps a day just walking around the house, work, or my neighborhood. I know there are those who can walk more than 1,000 steps a day, and they are encouraged to do so. However, I wanted to start small so everyone can join in increasing their physical activity. Last year, I started doing the Billion Steps Challenge in late spring. In fact, the challenge was almost over when I started. I initially started wal...
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