Although 3,000 steps still is not that many compared to the miles I walked last summer, it does take a little more effort than walking around the house every day and easily clocking 2,000 steps. I can saunter around the house all day, picking up this, picking up that, letting my dogs out, getting a cup of tea, making dinner, looking out the window, or whatever random thing I am doing, and easily pick up 2,000 steps. Today, it was not so easy to get to 3,000 steps.
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First of all, I forgot to charge my smartwatch last night, so I had to wait until around noon to put it on. All the steps I did this morning making breakfast, putting dishes away, and doing a load of laundry were lost to the universe. Around lunchtime, I put my smartwatch on, so I could go sit at my desk and work most of the afternoon. Like many people these days, most of my work involves a sedentary activity which means that I have to make myself get up and move around.
My second issue occurred at dinner time. I looked down at my smartwatch, and I only had completed 1,700 steps. I was 1,300 steps shy of my goal. I thought to myself, "I can easily do this before I go to bed." Within half an hour, I was at 2,020 steps. I went back into my office, sat down at my desk, and started working some more. The next thing I knew, my dogs were sniffing around my office, which is their cue to tell me, "Hey lady, we need to go outside, and it's time for bed." I got up and let them out. My watch said, 2,700 steps. I still had 300 steps left before I could take off my watch and call it a day.
I let the dogs in and we all marched to the bedroom to get ready to go to sleep. I brushed my teeth...still wearing my smartwatch. I picked up the bedroom, put my shoes away, folded laundry, whatever needed to be done, so I could get my steps in. I looked down. 2,900 steps. I thought, "Is this thing working? Surely, I have done 300 steps." That is when I started doing the aforementioned laps around the bedroom. Finally, I looked at my counter. 3,038. I took my watch off and laid it on the charger. I decided I was not going to miss my morning steps tomorrow.
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