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Showing posts from September, 2017

Tackling the Tough Issues

As a leader, you have to address the tough issues. I used to tell my healthcare management students, that leadership is not lollipops, cotton candy, unicorns, and rainbows. Leadership is difficult work where you deal with difficult issues every single day. This is true of every business sector imaginable. There is no one place where everything is positive and happy all the time. That place does not exist. Unfortunately, what does exist is a thing called the real working world. In the real working world, work is messy. Everyone is not positive all day every day. No one tells you how great you are all the time and gives you inspiring and motivating messages around every corner. For some employees and leaders, their motivation is do what they are supposed to do or else lose their jobs. Everything at work is not fun and a good time, either. Everyone at work is not always happy. In fact, they bring with them to work all of their problems from home and the outside world finds its way into...

Forced Isolation as a Form of Abuse

The American Hospital Association (AHA) this past year has launched a campaign against violence in our communities and our hospitals. The AHA has stated that physical violence is a public health threat and is costly to our nation's health systems and communities. In fact, in a report commissioned from Milliman for AHA, it was noted that $279.5 million a year is spent on public violence prevention and preparedness programs and $852.2 million a year is spent following the public violence incident, i.e., reacting to public violence. The report primarily focuses on "physical force to cause injury or bodily harm." The report, however, does not focus on additional types of non-physical violence that can also lead to injury, bodily harm, decreased health status, decreased life expectancy, increased utilization and increased costs. One type of non-physical violence that can lead to injury, bodily harm, decreased health status, decreased life expectancy, increased utilization and ...